Michael Alf
A father to two children, former Vice President with one of the world’s largest IT & management consulting companies as well as various other management roles, and avid golfer and kite surfer, Michael Alf epitomises work-life balance. But it has not always been that way. Overworked, overweight, and overwhelmed, Michael was struggling to achieve balance in his body and mind.
By eliminating limiting beliefs and unconscious conflicts, Michael underwent a personal transformation that has created sustainable change in every area of his life. A true believer that happiness is easy to achieve, he earned the prestigious Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner designation and has dedicated himself to helping others on the journey to find healthy ways of thinking and living. 
Today, his focus is on the intersection between Digital Disruption and Personal Transformation, because he recognises that today's challenges are even bigger than in the past. 
That's why his passion is, to help today's managers, executives and leaders to create a real impact in today's fast changing world. 
Own Your Life. Be Kind. Be Present.
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